Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Important Update on Forced Annexation Battle at Legislature

The following was distributed via e-mail by Cathy Heath of the StopNCAnnexation Coalition:

June 21, 2009

NC House Discussing Annexation Reform

The House Judiciary II Committee is working on rolling all the annexation reform bills, GOOD AND BAD, into one bill.

They met Tuesday and Thursday last week and it’s a wrestling match between the city lobbyists and the people.

The people are pulling it their way, but are up against entrenched players at the GA.
It is strength in numbers that is making the difference for the people.

Please come and join others who are driving for hours to be in Raleigh for these meetings and help to tip this over the (NCLM) hump and make this a historic year for real reform!

- Tuesday June 23rd,
- immediately after session
- Room 544 (this was changed from Cathy's initial e-mail; this is a larger room)
- Legislative Office Building in Raleigh.
- Estimated time for the meeting is 5pm.
- Session starts at 3pm so come before 5 and watch the end of session.

There will be an audio broadcast of the meeting that you can listen to online:
http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/Audio/Audio.html << Use this link and select Room 544

Lots of red attire in the gallery will be a good thing!

The Proposed Committee Substitute Bill (PCS) discussed on Thursday was horribly slanted in favor of the cities and the people voiced their dissatisfaction with it. Rep. Glazier opened the bill to further amendment and these will be considered on Tuesday. Twenty-two amendments are on the table, one of them is excellent: Amendment #62! THE WHOLE PACKAGE OF REFORM Rep. Tim Moore introduced the full text of H645 to replace the current language of the “PCS” as an amendment. Please contact members and tell them to approve Amendment #62. Other good single issue amendments: - #53 – Adds a VOTE OF THE PEOPLE - #56 & 60 – adds ‘need for meaningful services’ to qualify city annexation attempts. - #57 & 58 – adds the County Commissioners to approve city annexation attempts. Equally important are calls and emails all day Monday to JII Committee members.

Thank them for listening to the people and ask them to approve #62.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Carolina Journal: Mystery Group Behind Dam Takeover Bid

Article by Don Carrington

A driving force behind the state’s effort to take over a central North Carolina hydroelectric project owned by Alcoa Power Generating Inc. is a mysterious group called the North Carolina Water Rights Committee.

The panel is headed by Raleigh City Council member Nancy McFarlane. She has refused several Carolina Journal requests to be interviewed about her organization.
